A Step-by-Step Guide to Make Your Own Money Pulling Cake


The money pulling cakes or money bag cakes craze is sweeping the globe especially in Singapore. When you get one for a loved one's birthday, your family gatherings will be much more fun!

It is a secret technique for inserting cash into cake that is hygienic, wastes the least amount of cake, and fits the most notes in!

Here’s how make money bag cakes.

How to Roll

·         Put a fresh, distinct note in each pocket of the plastic roll. Once finished, trim the extra sheet off.

·         Roll the plastic sheet containing the notes securely by using a pencil as a guide. Remove the pencil after rolling three pockets and continue rolling as usual.

·         Make sure the roll doesn't ever become loose. Once more, the space between the rollers ought to be minimal.

How to Assemble

·         Grab your roll clip, also known as a clip, and squeeze it open by pressing with both thumbs on the sides.

·         Insert the clip into the lid's cavity. When the clip first starts, it faces the arrow-adorned side.

·         Next, align the end of the plastic money roll with the hollow of the lid. Ensure that the roll's direction matches the cavity of the lid.

·         Split the money into two pockets, leaving the other one untouched. then securely close the clip.

·         To create one large plastic roll, roll the open pocket in the direction of the lid.

·         After that, take the box and set it on top of the money and lid. The sum of money ought to rest on the box's base.

·         Verify that the box is securely locked.

·         Insert the birthday cake top now into the opening on the box's front surface.

How to Prepare Cake

·         Your birthday cake ought to be finished by this point. To measure and indicate the location of the cake, place the money box on the cake.

·         Create a box-sized hole in the cake. Create a hole that is just slightly smaller than the box, then set the cake slice aside.

·         Next, carefully insert the package into the opening. Make several cake cuts if the hole is small. Fill the hole with the cut-out cake if it is particularly large.

·         To give the cake's top a flawless finish, add icing as the last step. Then, as long as they don't touch the box, add any other decorations of your choosing.

Make festive money bag cakes if you're preparing to offer a monetary gift for a birthday or graduation to elevate the occasion. For a larger present, just use larger Singapore dollar (SGD). 


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